Chromebooks is just a laptop, but maybe not like another laptop you have used because one feature is defining: Chrome OS. The operating system is designed to be quite simple for anyone to use, offering a relatively minimalist experience for users who mainly need devices to get online, write documents, and other simple tasks.
Because Chrome OS is different from Windows and Mac, some typical functions you use may not function as anticipated on the Chromebook. Learning the right way to do general actions is simple, including right-clicking on items to open the context menu.
Usually speaking, the laptop has two buttons under their trackpad, even though it doesn’t always happen: some have buttons under the trackpad, allowing users to press every angle to do left and right clicks. However, Chromebook does not have this TrackPad button when they rely on movement and knock.
Tapping the TrackPad Chromebook with one finger is equivalent to the left click, and as you might have expected, tapping the trackpad with two fingers is equivalent to right-clicking (via google). Tap Need to quickly, when touching two fingers on the touchpad too long will register as a different type of movement.
Or, you can use a wireless mouse with your Chromebook, which will give you access to the Special Right Click button. Some wireless mice may not function properly with Chrome OS, so it’s ideal for getting it that functions with Chromebook Certified.