Android 12 was released on October 4, 2021, but even though it was part of some Android mobile users for a while now, there are still some interesting new features that you might not realize! In this latest release, there is an increase in focus on games, media, adaptive aesthetics, and security (as well as several other surprises). Unfortunately, unless you are an Android die-hard fan to a blog, or trawl through each menu on a new release – you might not pay attention to this neat feature because they cannot be accessed intuitively, or not much supported by the 3rd party application (Not yet), or has become a default background.
We will run the most interesting features, and how to access it. There is a little something for everyone to be excited about this latest update, whether you are interested in games, security, or just make your overall smartphone experience more comfortable and comfortable.
One of the most impressive Android 12 hidden features is the game dashboard game. To turn on the game dashboard, you have to dig into the settings, through a route that is not possible. First, open your settings, then tap Notification Options. On the new screen, scroll down a little to the general part where you have to tap, don’t bother. It takes you to another screen where you will tap the schedule. On the schedule screen, you will see the gaming and small gear icon on the right. Tap the teeth. Finally, turn the switch to position on.
If you play a game that supports this neat feature, you will see dark and translucent arrows on the right side of your screen. Tap it to display a small controller icon then you tap to open the dashboard (finally!). Here you will be served with a variety of attractive choices, although not everything will be supported by every match. You can choose to stream your gameplay directly through YouTube, optimization is involved (aka drain your battery), turn on the frame rate counters, turn on the do-not-disturbing switches, and add recording and / or shortcut shortcuts to your game screen. You will also see the option to view your profile where you can check the position and achievement of your ranking board.
While haptic feedback is not new to a smartphone, Android 12 tries to jump on the bandwagon making haptic feedback a little more attractive and useful for average users. If you don’t remember what “haptic feedback”, it’s just a small vibration that can help provide a digital interface, nuances are more tactile. For example, when you type on the screen keyboard, if you have haptic feedback enabled, you will feel a little vibration when you press the letter, which is intended to give you a typing sensation on the physical keyboard.
Android 12 takes this step a step by integrating our cellphone’s haptic function with sound. Wake up directly to each device will be a unique Haptic pattern for each ringtone installed default. In this way, you can know who is calling you even if your ring dies. BZZ-BZZ-BZZZZZZ-BZZ … Oh it must be Cathy!
What’s more interesting is that Google has opened this function until the developer through the Hapticergenerator API. Devs can plug this to produce haptic patterns miraculously for their music and sound effects. Video games, movies, and music will be increasingly immersive when they feed the real-time sensation directly into your hands when you are involved with your media.